sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Viladecans to Rome

Second day:

Buongiorno ragazzi! Noi siamo al laboratorio informatico! Noi siamo molto felici di essere in Italia!!

Yesterday, we went to Villa d'Este and Villa Adriana. These places are really beautiful. We had to walk a lot, and the guide was talking a lot, and she was really boring, because she explained us a lot about the history of Villa Adriana, and we only wanted to go and watch the Villa on our own. But in Villa d'Este, the guide was really good, and he explained a bit of history and he talked a lot with us about other things. He looks like one teacher of IES Torre Roja, Jesus Félez, the teacher of physical education.
At night, we had dinner with all the Comenius group, and we had PIIIZZAAAA!!! And after we ate GELATTO!!!!!! Is really good!!!!

There's a really good day in a really good city!!!!!!!! GRAZIE ITALIA!!!!!


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